Bracelets For Best Friend - Bands To Celebrate Your Soulmates

Cheers to your soulmate with bracelets for best friends like they always do for you! Celebrate all unknown anniversaries that your #bff has been going on and on about.

Bracelets for ‘best friends’ are just a way of expressing one’s friendship for their closest friend. Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves. The group of people who are there to cheer you up, have fun with you and are always there for you.

Now among these many people there is a one or a few who are termed the ‘best friend’. Somebody who may not be ‘just like you’ but you still feel the most comfortable with, somebody who can be your soulmate for life.

Let’s Cheer The Friendships In Our Life

Childhood friends, to school friends and then internet friends, everybody have at least one of these to call theirs. The celebration of friendships is done in different parts of the world on different days called the friendship day.

It was this time that the friendship bracelets made up of beads and threads came into being. They were the first friendship bracelets that friends exchanged with each other celebrating their bond of friendship.

Now, those simple thread bracelets have evolved in materials used and designs they are made in. Even though the designs, prices, and materials have changed, the meaning behind gifting this bracelet to a friend has remained exactly the same all through these years.

Beauty In Types Of Friendships

There is no set criteria for a friend, any two people can be friends if they like each other’s company. No age, race, language or land mass can affect a friendship.

Even today where people are losing human touch, friendships are crossing all distances connecting people from the two ends of the earth. Childhood friends, to school friends and then internet friends, everybody have at least one of these to call theirs.

Same Gender And Same Age Friendships

The most common friendship of all is the same gender and same age friendships. This kind of friendship is the easiest to form when you study together in schools, tuitions or play at the same playground.

Like a gang they roam around showing off their friendship in the whole neighbourhood, sometimes even making troubles on the way. The partners-in-crime type friendship, they participate in every simple thing of the other.

Different Gender And Same Age Friendships

A boy-girl or a mixed group of friends is the most fun kind of friendships. With both of the genders bringing in their best of the fun dose, this kind of friendship is all fun and games. This gang actually focuses more on making trouble.

This is the friendship which brings in the experiences and difficulties of both the genders together. It provides the other gender to understand the next gender in a way they could never have.

Young And Old Sibling-Like Friendships

This is the most adorable kind of friendship. Two people from different generations find that common ground and become friends who share their joy, care and sorrow like buddies.

It's like the younger one matures their thinking to understand the intricacies of age. While the older one just listens to and accommodates all the thoughts and opinions the younger one has to offer about the world.

Senior-Junior Respecting Friendships

The friendship is based on mutual respect, between a pair of a senior and junior. They are the duo who are an inspiration and motivation to each other.

One looks up to the other while the other is considerate and caring. A manifestation of two different people coming in together with different ideas and opinions almost always brings the best out of both.

Types Inspired By Different Friendships

Bracelets for best friends have designs that are made after observing different friendships that exist around. From same gender friends to boy-girl friendships and young-old to senior- junior friendships.

Friendship bracelets are made keeping all kinds of friendships in mind, let us take a look at some of these designs.

Charm Friendship Bracelets

Charm bracelets for best friends are the most popular type of bracelets. The charms attached to these bracelets resonate with the two people in the friendship. Or the charm may depict how you see your bond.

Charm friendship bracelets are generally made in silver decorated with stones. Most common charm used in friendship bracelets are sun, moon and stars, the handcuffs, or infinity for #friendsforever.

Cuff Friendship Bracelets

Cuff bracelets bring that style into bracelets. It is best for a fashionista's best friend. Cuff bracelets are generally metal bands engraved with a best friend quote or a promise to the friend. Cuff bracelets are loved by women to wear at all occasions and even as a daily wear.

Chain Friendship Bracelets

Chain bracelets have always been a symbol of true bond, and thus are made into friendship bracelets. The chain friendship bracelets are again made in different metals like gold and silver. Chain bracelets are the best to wear daily and thus gifting a chain bracelets to best friends only make sense.

Designs For Every Type Of Friendship

Friendship bracelets designed according to friendships are quite unique and beautiful. Made in all types of materials from metals, beads and threads. They are adorable to give to your best friend and to see them wear it all the time. Let us take a few of them that are quite popular today.

Matching Bff Bracelets

The best kind of friendship bracelets are the matching pines. ‘Twining’ with bracelets wherever you go, the bracelet will instantly let others know that you are "bffs". Matching charm bracelets or chain bracelets with the same stone are among the popular types. The continuing quote bracelets are also the matching type, completing one another.

Engravings On Bracelets

The other design in friendship bracelets include the engravings on a metal plate. Engravings of friends' forever quotes are a great gift for a best friend. There are some types with continuing quotes that complete in pairs. Half of the quote on one, while the other half on the other mate’s. Some may get their friendship anniversary inscribed or just anything meaningful to both of them.

Puzzle-Pieces Of Friendship

This is the most romantic type of friendship bracelet. Basically there are pieces of a puzzle with a quote of 'bffs’' tag which fit into one another if you join them right. They have been quite popular among best friends because of their creativity. It is quite a creative way of telling that
‘Hey, we are soulmates!’

Care And Maintenance

Friendship bracelets can be cleaned in the same way as other bracelets. Only because friendship bracelets are generally worn daily do they need not be stored. Try not wear her bracelet while showering, or doing household chores.
Wear the bracelet last, and avoid using cosmetics or sprays on the bracelet. A periodic polish to gold and silver bracelets is a good idea too!

This was all about friendships, their types and celebrating friendships. Show your love and care to your best friends with a bracelet for best friends. They are the ones who cheer for us when the audience seats are almost empty, the only bond without expectations. Cherish, enjoy and treasure your best friend!