Religious Pendants Across the World

Religious Pendants and spirituality

Awareness of religion and rituals is present across all cultures in our world. Along with prayers and chants a common thread of cultural togetherness is the use of religious pendants and beads. This gives cosmic power and spirituality to the wearer. The relevance of wearing religious pendants exists for 5000 years and more. Religious pendants worn by priests and devotees give many supernatural and spiritual energies. Religious pendants are energized before they are worn. The world of religious pendants is mystical and enigmatic.

The significance of Religious pendants in global cultures

Religious pendants are a symbol of devotion to a certain faith. They uplift your mind and soul and create an austere look. Various religions have a unique set of religious pendants that have become synonymous with their faith and culture. Ancient religious identities are now recognized by their pendants and other religious memorabilia.

Religious pendants of Ancient Egypt

The ruins of Ancient Egypt are a goldmine of treasures and religious objects. The most powerful supernatural object used by Ancient Egyptians were religious pendants. They were worn by high priests, royals, and common citizens. Commonly used materials were gold, bronze with encrusting of lapis lazuli. The iconic Eye of Horus is still a powerful symbol used to design religious pendants across the world. It gives energies of protection and healing.

Religious pendants of Native America

Native American culture and temples are rich with spiritual symbolism. Their cultural jewellery centres around Mother Earth. Religious pendants are focal points of their tribal identity, clans, and depict spirit guides. The turquoise stone has immense value in their culture. It represents life and fertility. Religious pendants shaped like bulls’ heads, owls, Maya calendars, feathers, and spear heads are commonly worn.  

Religious pendants in Christianity

Christians use religious pendants for spirituality and for warding off evil entities. The cross pendant is considered extremely pious in Catholicism and Christianity. It depicts the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for humankind. A simple or ornate cross adorned as a religious pendant on a rosary, chain, or bracelet expresses the love and devotion of the wearer. It gives them protection from malevolent spirits.

Religious pendants in Islam

The sign of Allah worn as a religious pendant represents staunch faith in Islam. The words are inscribed in Arabic language. Such religious pendants are worn by Muslim women, while Muslim men wear them on rings. The iconic crescent moon and star are also worn as religious pendants by Muslims. The pendants are designed artistically in gold and silver, with diamonds and gemstones.

Religious pendants in Judaism

Jews adore the Star of David as their religious icon. It is a powerful religious symbol of Judaism. The design comprises of two triangles merged to form the iconic six-pointed star. It is used in minimalistic design as a religious pendant worn by men and women. The Star of David pendants are popular in ornate designs with encrusting of diamonds and gemstones. They give love and protection to the wearer. And they represent the adoration of Jews for their State of Israel.

Religious Pendants in Buddhism

The peaceful idol of the Buddha in meditation is the most popular religious symbol of Buddhism. Buddhists the world over, wear it as a religious pendant on chains or beaded malas. It gives them inspiration to follow the teachings of Buddhism – to be kind, peaceful, compassionate, and non-violent. Buddha charms are made with metals like gold, silver, jade, and obsidian. The Buddha religious pendant gives energy and clarity. Lotus flower charms are also used in Buddhism as religious pendants. They denote beauty, reincarnation, and pureness of the soul. It gives the wearer the resilience to rise above worldly problems and move towards spirituality and success. They are popular in filigree designs, solid designs, and with gemstones of various colours.

Religious pendants in Hinduism

Today, Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma, is considered the oldest religions in the world. The significance of religious pendants in Hinduism is deep and divine. Om pendants and Ganesh pendants made in silver and gold, studded with gemstones are worn with great religious fervour. The first ornament any Hindu child wears is a religious pendant worn on a simple black thread or gold chain. It gives protection and healing to the wearer. There are over thirty sacred symbols that are used as religious pendants in Hinduism.

Om/Aum Pendants

In Hinduism, Om is the cosmic sound of creation. Om is used in chanting for all mantras. It represents the divine and sacred aspects of Hindu religion. Om symbol religious pendants in gold and silver are popular gifts for little children. They are available in filigree and solid gold designs. Om pendants in silver exude peace, energy, and clarity.

Ganesh Pendants

Lord Ganesha is called the Vignaharta, the remover of obstacles. He is also the Param Pujya, the Lord who is worshipped first amongst all divinities. The divine energy of Lord Ganesha in religious pendants is loved by all Hindus. Ganesh pendants in gold and silver, studded with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, are worn with great devotion and faith.

The Nataraja Pendant

Lord Shiva, in the form of Nataraja, is the King of Dance in Hindu religion. It represents the Ananda Tandava, the cosmic dance that denotes consciousness and bliss. Encircled in a circular flame of fire, the Nataraja symbol is a sign of love and devotion for all artists in Indian dance and music culture. This religious pendant is created in various metals. It is worn with a Rudraksha mala or in a chain. It bestows art and power to the wearer.


The Swastika symbol is considered highly auspicious in Hindu religion. It brings positive energy and good fortune. It deflects negative energies and provides protection. It needs to be worn in straight angles only. It can have negative impact if worn in a diagonal design. This religious pendant is made in gold and silver with gemstone encrusting.

Krishna Pendants

Krishna teaches love and Karma. This religious pendant gives spiritual awareness and heals the wearer. Krishna pendants in gold are very popular gifts for children. The beautiful image of Krishna wearing flowers, jewels, and colourful clothes, playing the flute, exudes joy and divinity.

The use of materials in creating Religious pendants

In ancient times, natural products like resins, stones, and seeds were used to make religious pendants. The use of amber and lignite was also popular. In 3000 BCE, the use of gold grew to popularity. Religious pendants were created in silver from Copper Age onwards. Since the 17th Century, religious pendants with diamonds and precious stones have become popular with the rich and famous. In present times, platinum religious pendants are trending. Steel and sterling silver are also used to create religious pendants with elaborate designs.

Religious pendants form an important part of life and devotion. Religious pendants that were created centuries ago have now evolved to suit the new age global citizens. Whether worn to get spiritual or supernatural powers or to seek blessings from their beloved Gods, religious pendants bestow love, life, and energy.

Discover more about pendant design in our in-depth pendant design guide.